Get all the answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding some of our popular categories which include electronics, mobile phones, computers, stationeries security solution products, and construction materials and a whole lot more from premium brands as well as managing your account, payment, and much, much more.


Can I buy in bulk?

Yes, or contact us or email us at for support

Will all the items in my order arrive in a single package?

If your order consists of items from more than one seller, your items will arrive separately. If your order consists of items from a single seller, your items may arrive together or separately. If your orders arrive separately, be rest assured that the remaining item(s) will be delivered shortly.


What is buyer protection?

We offer all our customers ultimate peace of mind. We have you covered 100% on every eligible purchase.


What is the estimated delivery time?

corporateshop delivers products to customers all over Nigeria. Lagos 3-6, Rivers 3-7, Abuja 3-8 & other states 4-9 days


Who will deliver my order?

Your order will be delivered by other courier companies, or by the seller or the seller’s agents, depending on whether the item was sold by us or a third-party seller and on the delivery, method chosen by a third-party seller. You may be called prior to or on the same day as delivery to see if you are available to receive your order.


My order is shipped. How can I track it?

To track your order: corporateshop will send you notification on the phone number we have for you on the delivery process


I just received my order, and something is wrong, what should I do? What can I expect?

If you recently received your order and something is wrong, please email or call 08049770368-69, and provide details. Depending on the exact issue and whether you paid before delivery or paid on delivery, different resolutions can occur. But in all cases, corporateshop will offer support and will try to work with you to offer a resolution quickly, such as a repair, replacement, refund upon return, instant refund, or other form of compensation as applicable.


Have Outstanding Questions or Concerns

If You Have Outstanding Questions or Concerns, Message us Before You Buy anything

If you have questions/concerns about a product, corporateshop makes it easy contact us before you buy anything via WhatsApp or phone call or email us.

Not all products on corporateshop are sold by us

corporateshop is a true online marketplace that supports Nigerian entrepreneurs. Supporting ‘third-party’ sellers means we can offer buyers wider product selection, more choice, increased convenience, and better pricing.

Your feedback matters


Timely Delivery

When you place an order, you trust the seller to deliver a quality product as described and on time. So corporateshop makes it easy for you to research the item. You can read the item’s description and check how past buyers rated and reviewed the item. When your order is delivered, we will ask you to rate and review the transaction and over time we remove lower performing items to make corporateshop a safer shop for you.


I appreciate corporateshops efforts on my behalf. What can I do to help?

We thank you for your business and we will continue to make sure corporateshop remains the safest and most trusted place to buy online in Nigeria. You can help by:

paying online at checkout when you place an order (so we can offer you maximum protection, and help delivery couriers spend more time delivering and less time with cash/POS issues on delivery)

making sure you are available by phone and in person to accept your delivery (so you and other members of our buyer community get orders delivered more quickly)

providing honest ratings & reviews for all your items after delivery (so you and other members of our buyer community have more information about items and sellers)

interacting with us on WhatsApp (so we can hear your feedback and suggestions directly)

referring us to your friends and family (so we can increase the size of our community and help more Nigerians experience safe & secure online shopping).